Saturday, February 10, 2007

Keeping It Short

Some things can be said succinctly, and others require thousands of words. Both types of articles are welcome in The Buzzard. Here are three suggestions for articles that can be written in three paragraphs or less.

The Web-Pointer

A decent web-pointer article can be written in a paragraph: a URL to the page, and a few sentences on what's there and why it is interesting.

The Book Review

This will require a bit more description than the Web-Pointer, since the reader can't just click over and examine the page himself. There should be a brief summary of what the book has to say, and an evaluation of whether it succeeds in doing so. Still, three paragraphs should be enough for a brief treatment.

The Anecdote

Something happened--probably to you. What happened, and where? What did you do? Did it work, and why? No fuss, no mess; three paragraphs.

[Is it true the editor is a mad fan of the inimitable Michelle Flaherty, and views with particular favor any anecdote that begins with the words "This one time, at..."? -- Yes, indeed it is, and he is quite fond of words like "inimitable", too.]

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